When To Switch From Toddler Bed To Full Size Bed

When To Switch From Toddler Bed To Full Size Bed

About a third of toddlers switch to a bed between 18 months and 2 years old, and another third make the change between 2 and 2.5 years old. In most cases, kids go from a crib to a bed between the ages of 18 months and 3 years. Given the vast range of ages involved, there are a few considerations to make before making the switch.

Is Your Kid All Set to Enter Kindergarten?

Your child is ready for a toddler bed when they can get out of their crib on their own. If your child has a habit of climbing out of their crib, they may be at risk for injury.

When To Switch From Toddler Bed To Full Size Bed

Even if your child hasn’t mastered the art of climbing out of the crib, there are other indicators that it’s time for them to move on to a big kid’s bed. A good indicator that your child has outgrown their crib is if, when they are standing, you can see their chest above the top of the rail. When a youngster reaches around 3 feet in height, it is time to move them into a bed. You may also hear them asking for a larger bed, like their parents’ or an older sibling’s.

But if your little one is still struggling with the concept of self-control, they may not be ready for the transition to a big kid’s bed. Self-restraint is a skill that must be taught, and for some people the novelty of sleeping alone in a bed is too much to bear. To prevent your toddler from frequently getting out of bed and coming to your room at night, which could disrupt sleep for both of you, some research suggests waiting until your child is closer to 3 years old to make the switch.

Is There Another One on the Way?

The toddler may need to switch to a regular bed if you’re pregnant again soon and planning to use the crib. Your child should begin sleeping in the new bed at least a few months before the baby is due. This will prevent your small child from feeling threatened by their sibling’s arrival and will provide them time to acclimatise to their new bed.

Is Your Kid Going Through Any Other Major Transitions?

Toddling can be particularly resistant to change, so the transition from a crib to a bed may take some time. Consider putting off the transfer to a bed if your child is in the midst of potty training or going through some other major life change, such as starting daycare or relocating. If you make too many adjustments at once, your child may become distressed.

Warnings That Your Toddler Needs a Big Kid Bed

There are a number of indicators that your child is ready to graduate from a crib to a toddler bed. You can begin the change process before all the signs are in place. When should you think about transitioning your child from a crib to a bed?

  • got out of the infant bed
  • are tall enough to climb out the window (about 3 feet)
  • range in age from 18 months to 3 years
  • They’re expecting a newborn sibling.
  • Have voiced a desire for a “big kid” bed

When making the switch from a crib to a toddler bed, it’s important to consider how your child will react. They may put up some opposition or sneak into your room occasionally, but that is to be expected. If, however, your child is having serious problems falling asleep or is consistently throwing tantrums at bedtime, they may not be ready for the shift. It’s fine to put the crib back into use and attempt the bed-sharing thing again in a couple of months.

You shouldn’t feel pressured to make the switch to a toddler bed any sooner than you feel ready. The average time to make the change is between 18 months and 3 years. You should hold off until it’s the proper time for your child and your family.