Does Apple Cider Vinegar Make Your Vag Taste Good

Does Apple Cider Vinegar Make Your Vag Taste Good

As soon as you notice symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection, such an itchy vagina that you scratch in secret by shifting in your seat, a clumpy discharge, and a general feeling that hell has moved between your legs, nothing else matters but getting rid of it.

Does Apple Cider Vinegar Make Your Vag Taste Good

Apple cider vinegar has emerged as the internet’s favourite new miracle medicine. It appears to be able to improve the condition of your hair and skin equally. because of this, obviously. Continue reading for more Information About the Does Apple Cider Vinegar Make Your Vag Taste Good.

Does Apple Cider Vinegar Make Your Vag Taste Good

How Can I Even Know if I have a Yeast Infection?

Candida, the fungus responsible for yeast infections, thrives in warm, moist places including the mouth, the throat, and the vaginal canal. No harm is done until the organism multiplies, at which point it becomes a threat (at least according to the CDC) (CDC).

Antibiotics can destroy microorganisms that ordinarily protect the vagina, for example, or your underwear material may not allow for adequate airflow (cotton is always a good choice; silk, not so much).

According to the Office of Women’s Health, besides the obvious itching, other symptoms of yeast infections include burning, redness, swelling, pain during sex, pain while peeing, soreness, and heavy discharge (OWH).

Despite their unappealing nature, yeast infections are extremely frequent. Research from OWH shows that at least 70% of women will get a yeast infection at some point in their lives.

Can a Yeast Infection be Cured by Using Apple Cider Vinegar?

That’s what some folks appear to think, at least. Douching with vinegar or inserting a tampon that has been dipped in vinegar are just two examples of the many internet-based theories that advocate for the direct application of diluted vinegar.

The judgement is that you should stop all of these activities immediately.

Use apple cider vinegar on your salad and not your vagina, advised Sex RX author and clinical professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at Northwestern University, Lauren Streicher, M.D.

That includes not putting it in your vaginal canal in any manner, shape, or form, including douching or tampons soaked in apple cider vinegar. Streicher warns against using apple cider vinegar on the genital area because of the acidity of the liquid.

As far as she is concerned, douching is a universally bad idea when it comes to the genital area. According to Streicher, “there’s no medical basis for douching,” and the practise can be harmful because it can wipe out all of the vaginal flora, good and bad.

Sure, Anything. If I do Get a Yeast Infection, What should I do?

The good news is that yeast infections can be quickly and easily treated.

Antifungal medicine is available both over-the-counter and by prescription and can help you get rid of the fungus. Streicher suggests they may be taken orally or applied topically in the form of a cream suppository.

She supports the use of OTC drugs, but stresses the importance of verifying that a yeast infection is present before beginning treatment. If your symptoms persist after using an antifungal for a few days, you should see a doctor to rule out other causes, such as sexually transmitted infections or bacterial vaginosis.

Last Words

According to AZO, an over-the-counter antifungal for yeast infections, a yeast infection should resolve within one to 14 days depending on the type of antifungal medicine you take and the complexity of your strain.

Additionally, it has been suggested that a chilly bath (without vinegar, as it is just another ineffective remedy for yeast infections) can help. Although it won’t cure your yeast infection, Streicher believes that soaking in chilly water “may make you feel a little better” due to the relief from itching and burning. Thanks for reading our article Does Apple Cider Vinegar Make Your Vag Taste Good.